Green Eggs and Ham
Not being able to get children to eat some types of food is a fairly common problem, but refusal comes from prejudice – we shy away from things we don’t know, without even giving them a chance to be appreciated. This intuitive little idea is the starting point for an amusing, visionary book that has become a classic of children’s literature. In Dr. Seuss’s book we find a strange creature called Sam-I-Am, who tries to convince a character with no name to eat a dish that he says is delicious – a nice plate of eggs with a side of ham, both of them a strange green colour. The character with no name refuses to eat it, saying that he just doesn’t like it. The two of them get into an argument that will lead them into bizarre situations, with unusual places and characters. In the end, the character is exhausted and agrees to try the dish of green and bring into question his own refusal to try it. Prosciutto e uova verdi Dr. Seuss ; traduzione di Anna Sarfatti Giunti Junior, 2008