The Cloud Designer
Giorgia Simoncelli’s Il disegnatore di nuvole takes us into a steampunk Victorian London that is full of airships, steam carriages, and automata. The top “cloud designer” in this fantastical England is Grover Mills, who works in the service of Queen Victoria, piloting his White Wings aerostat across the sky, creating clouds as though painting with a brush. One day, the Prime Minister realises there are no clouds and decides to visit Ally Mills, Grover’s daughter, who received a message from her father just before he disappeared without trace, together with the other designers in the Kingdom. Ally thus embarks on an incredible journey through the skies of England aboard her father’s aerostat. It will be an adventure full of surprises, accompanied by wonderful illustrations by Paolo d’Altan. Il disegnatore di nuvole Giorgia Simoncelli ; illustrazioni di Paolo D'Altan Edizioni Piuma, 2020